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Mobile App Design & Development, Visual Identity, Campaign
Lead Designer & Developer
Mnemonics, a collaborative project installed in Stuyvesant High School by artists Kristin Jones and Andrew Ginzel, was commissioned by The Battery Park City Authority in conjunction with The Percent for Art Program of the City of New York, Department of Cultural Affairs and the NYCDOE. In creating its mobile application as part of its 32nd year revival, I successfully injected Mnemonics with new life, while also maintaining the project’s integrity. This included creating a new fluid and beautiful design, adopting a bold visual identity, and implementing 3D & interactive elements. It utilizes SwiftUI, SceneKit, CloudKit, Vision, and other iOS technologies to deliver a native experience that invites students and staff to add to the conversation. Aside from the technical aspects, I also worked tirelessly with the Alumni Association to survey and complete the catalogue.